A year ago already… time passes so quickly, doesn’t it?

I digress.
Of course, this was all before I started this blog and its
accompanying Instagram account… and amazingly, I actually followed through and accomplished
everything that I set out to since I had some fairly bold ideas of what I
wanted to do while standing in the middle of the countryside at about 2:00
a.m., in the freezing cold, listening to the my husband struggle with his
camera equipment because the Northern Lights decided to make their grand
appearance. Funny thing, in that type of cold climate, camera equipment can and
will tend to fail. Unfortunately, my husband never did get those shots. It
doesn’t matter though because it was on this magical freezing night that was wrapped
in the fluctuating green, blue, and purple undulating lights… that we talked. I
talked. I finally admitted that I felt that I was going through some sort of growing
pains and that I didn’t know which direction to take. That I was confused and
sick and tired of being sick and tired. Frustrated, depressed and anxious. I
was now suffering panic attacks and I had somehow and somewhere lost myself. Now
an anxious, depressed, introverted and unhappy person, I had stopped doing a
lot of things that once brought me joy. And I felt that I was simply existing
in my life instead of really living my life. Worse than all this though, I had
stopped challenging myself. I knew I had become difficult and that it was hard
to give love when you have fallen out of love with yourself. I explained that I
wanted to visit Iceland because I needed a clean, quiet, and completely
different location than what I was accustomed to figure it all out. I needed to
take myself out of my day-to-day environment and wake up and shake this middle
age monkey off my back because she was now heavy and I was now tired. Honestly,
it was really embarrassing for me to admit that I wasn’t “right in the head,”
but at the time, I really wasn’t. I typically do not talk about my feelings and
admitting my vulnerability is horrifying, but if I was going to make the
changes that I needed to make I had to put it all out there. So, that’s what I
did. On that night, I gave all of my fears, insecurities, anger, frustration,
confusion… I gave it all… to Iceland on that one spectacular night under the
gloriously brilliant Northern Lights because I knew it was now or never. All of
that negativity that I had been carrying around for far too long was absconded
forever in one of the most beautiful landscapes I had ever seen. Poof! Just
like that. Unceremoniously, I walked away from it all. It was the sweetest
surrender; a midlife awakening. And Iceland was the perfect destination in
which I came full circle and found myself facing my authentic self. So what
happened next? I got back into a relationship with myself.

So back to Iceland; I highly recommend and not just for an
existential crisis/awakening. Visit Iceland because of the food, the natural
habitat, the waterfalls, the caves, the art, the music. Visit Iceland because
it is unusual, pristine and unspoiled. There is so much to explore! So much I
left there and so much I took home. I went to Iceland comfortably complacent, asleep,
unchallenged, unfulfilled and unhappy. I came back a woman on the verge of
renewal, reinvention and reawakened.
A year ago was when I left for an imperative Icelandic
A year ago, I left as a caterpillar and came back a
butterfly. And I’ve been happily fluttering around ever since.
Special Note: making all of the changes that I set out to
hasn’t been easy. Actually, it’s been a lot of work. Letting it all go was only
the first step. The second, third and fourth steps were scary, demanding and
sometimes overwhelming, but I am persevering and thriving. The first thing I
did when I returned home was I finally took my therapist’s advice and went on a
low dosage of anti-anxiety and depression medication. This has worked wonders
for me and has allowed me to think clearly and express my creativity without
the burden of anxiety and depression. Although, this medication did cause me to
gain weight, I am finally free of the fog these states can cause. And I still slightly
cringe every time I post a picture on Instagram because I am so far out of my
comfort zone there, but, again, I love it because I am expressing myself. And I
am clean and free, just like Iceland, and to me it just doesn’t get any better
than that.
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